Uplifted or depressed, find your way in the center.

As the world was watching the world set upside down due to the COVID 19 virus, I began some drawings to process different concepts I have about the situation. I did this concept drawing I titled “~breathe~”, as an intention to “visualize healthy clear vibrant heart/breath center, respiratory passages and deep slow nasal breathing.”
Special thanks to Terry Lynn Taylor of the Joshua Tree Retreat Center for having the vision of it becoming the replacement of the old illegible sun worn Institute of Mental Physics sign. Also would like to thank Juan Thorp for making the board, frame and install happen.
(for those who cannot)
(for those who cannot)
Social isolation is not a difficult process for introverts and those of who live in the desert, the threat of the covid19 / coronavirus has inspired me to create this Procreate drawing and visualize healthy clear vibrant heart/breath center, respiratory passages and deep slow nasal breathing.
This illustration was created to accompany this poetry:
Walking the Land
by Penelope Sitter
Spirits walk this land. Here where native feet
fell before, where ancient lives passed, now we walk.
Now we in thanks take hold where we long to know
who held and were held here.
Dreams inhabit here. We dream life shared once
for all. We dream with those who long before
dreamed here. Day by well-lived day as we build
we know their spirits strong here.
Light shines searing bright here. As thick clouds drop
desert rain to bless and bring the life of spring,
we know and we praise rain that wets and
light that blazes here.
Spirits walk this land. We honor them and all
they loved: the sparse creosote, the gold-gray sands,
this rocky life. With coyote, snake, hare and hawk,
we now stalk here.
Submissions I created for a local art postcard project…
Boards of Canada – Tomorrows Harvest – Lake Dolores Listening Party – 5/27/2013
Here is the mysterious tweet from Boards of Canada’s Twitter feed that clued everyone to drive out in the middle of nowhere in the desert on memorial day: