The Heart-Brain System – Joshua Tree Retreat Center

“The semi-independent network of neurons that constitutes the “small brain in the heart” is closely connected with the brain its self. Together, they make up a true “heart-brain system.” Within this system, the two organs constantly influence each other. Among the mechanisms connecting the heart and the brain, the autonomic nervous system plays a particularly important role. It has two branches: the “sympathetic” branch speeds up the heart and activates the emotional brain, the “parasympathetic” branch acts as a brake on both.”
– Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, The Institute to Heal

Special thanks to Terry Lynn Taylor of the Joshua Tree Retreat Center for having the vision of it becoming the replacement of the old illegible sun worn Institute of Mental Physics sign. Also would like to thank Juan Thorp for making the board, frame and install happen.

Mural by Martín Mancha at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center
Mural by Martín Mancha at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center
Mural at Joshua Tree Retreat Center
Mural at Joshua Tree Retreat Center
Highway View
Highway View
Concept Art
Old mural sign at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center